To make the tantric experience complete, actions of one's body, speech and mind are to be transformed. A typical example of the actions of the body is the practice of mudras. These are movements and positions of the hands which have profound symbolic meaning. One uses mudras to symbolise for example the various offerings, but they also convey general meanings like e.g. teaching or meditation.
The image on the left is a virtual image of the planned Maitreya statue in Bodhgaya. It happens to be an unconventional posture to depict Maitreya: his right hand on the knee signifies giving refuge and loving compassion to all beings; the left hand at his heart is in the teaching (Dharmachakra) mudra: the thumb and index finger are pressed together to symbolise the united practice of method and wisdom, and the three remaining fingers are raised to symbolise the Three Jewels of Refuge - Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. To the right is an image of the teaching mudra when performed with both hands
The image on the right represents a traditional depiction of Shakyamuni Buddha, just after his enlightenment. His right hand touches the earth to symbolise it has witnessed his enlightenment (bhumisparsha mudra), and his left hand is in the meditation mudra. Sometimes the meditation mudra is performed with both hands on top of each other in the lap as the image below shows.